Create WordPress on Azure | Microsoft Azure


Create WordPress on Azure | Microsoft Azure

Hey Freaks, Welcome to Freaky Diodes. Today we have posted an article that understands that how to make a WordPress website on Microsoft Azure. As we all know Microsoft azure is a famous Cloud Services Portal.

In this article, we have made a Virtual Machine with WordPress installed in it. Read the full article below and follow all the steps –

How to Create WordPress on Azure ?

  1. First of all, go to Microsoft Azure Portal.
  2. Now Login or Create a New Account.
  3. On the homepage, You can see an option to Create a Resource, click on it.
  4. Now search for WordPress Certified By Bitnami and click on Start with preconfigured configuration.
  5. Select Production as Workload environment and General Purpose D Series as workload type or you can choose as per your requirements.
  6. Click on Continue to create VM.
  7. Now Select your Subscription and Resource group or create a new resource group.
  8. Now, fill in the name of your virtual machine, you can give any name to VM.
  9. Select the region, I prefer to select US East 2. It is cost-efficient.
  10. Now select the Authentication type as SSH or Password, here we have selected password.
  11. Create a username and password.
  12. Now Click on Review & Create.
  13. Wait for few minutes, your VM will be deployed.
  14. Once the VM is deployed click on it.
  15. Now you can see all the details of your VM.
  16. Copy the public IP address and paste it into the new tab of your browser and click on the bitnami banner below and select login.
  17. Now again go to your virtual machine dashboard on azure and select Boot Diagnostics from the left panel and click on the serial log.
  18. Press CNTL+F and search for the password, press enter and you will get a default password, copy it, and username as ‘user’.
  19. Now go to your website and enter your username as ‘user’ and paste the password you have copied from the azure serial log.
  20. Now login to your WordPress dashboard.
  21. Your WordPress site is ready, go to setting and change the password.

How to Connect Domain ?

Once your website is ready and deployed on Azure, you can connect a domain easily. Follow the below steps to know how to connect domain –

  • First, go to your domain setting and find DNS.
  • Click on DNS Zone and Create a new recordset.
  • Now fill @ on the Name, select the record type as A and paste your website IP address.
  • Create another recordset, enter www in Name and select the type as CNAME and enter your domain name.
  • Click on Ok.
  • Wait for some time, your domain will be connected to your website.

Follow all the above steps and create a bitnami wordpress easily on Azure. Comment down if you face any issue or need help.


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