Free online certification course in Satellite Navigation: ISRO


The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is offering free online certification courses for students, researchers, and professionals. The certification course is ‘Journey from GPS to Mobile Phone Platform: Satellite-based Navigation’. Participants will get a certificate after the course completion.

Registration Details

  • This is a 12-days course will start from March 1 till March 12, 2021. The course is free of cost.
  • This Satelite Navigation course is offered through ISRO’s premier training and educational institute, that is Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS).
  • The course is about the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) technology used for the positioning & measurement techniques.
  • The course includes the basic understanding of GNSS concept and then its applications.
  • The course includes recorded video lectures, slides, handouts of demonstrations, open software, etc.
  • This course has limited number of seats, first-come – first-served basis.

Who can apply?

  • The students who are final year undergraduate or postgraduate students.
  • Faculty members or Researchers of Universities or Institutions.
  • The technical staff of the Government.
  • Instructors on high-speed National Knowledge Network
  • Users receiving programs under CIET and CEC-UGC
  • For more details, visit the ISRO official website.


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