Safe Automated Driving with advancement of Ultra Long Range Detection

Enhanced 4D LiDAR implemented hardware, the sensing system achieves great long detection range even for dark objects also.

Safe Automated Driving
Automobile sensors use in self-driving cars:camera data with pictures Radar and LIDAR Autonomous Driverless Car

With a software enhanced 4D LiDAR implemented hardware, the sensing system achieves great long detection range even for dark objects also.

Aeva delivers 4D LiDAR sensing systems with a detection range of more than over 500 metres,also software improvements on existing hardware.

This development in technology enables fast and accurate detection along with identification of pedestrians even far from 350m and dark objects, including all vehicles, beyond 500m of range also. This long-range sensing have potential to provide more safety enhancements for today’s trending technology of automated driving, especially in vehicles where sufficient braking distance is critical part of safety – like in highway driving – also it’s challenging to achieve this with existing technologies. Aeva 4D LiDAR’s ultra long-range system functions also to identifies the space drivable regions beyond 200 meters.

The present detection range is possible by Aeva’s frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) 4D LiDAR architecture that has great sensitivity to detect even a single photon also, additionally without being that sensitive to sunlight or any other interferences. By taking regular measurements along with its velocity per pixel data, Aeva’s technology is successful in measures an object’s position at long distances with greater confidence than a traditional one, time of flight in LiDAR is enabling instant detection of objects with reflectivities less than or equal to 10% at long distance.

“This perception solution is built on Aeva’s breakthrough FMCW 4D LiDAR on chip technology, as our aim is to offer a combination of both performance and scalability,” words by Mina Rezk, Co-founder and CTO at Aeva.


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