CRED Off Campus Drive 2022 | Cred Backend Developer Recruitment Drive 2022

CRED Off Campus Drive 2022 Batch, Cred Backend Developer Recruitment Drive 2022, Cred Recruitment Drive 2022, Cred Backend Developer Hiring 2022, Latest Off Campus Drives for 2022 Batch, Cred Careers

CRED Off Campus Drive 2022 | Cred Backend Developer Recruitment Drive 2022

CRED Off Campus Drive 2022 Batch, Cred Backend Developer Recruitment Drive 2022, Cred Recruitment Drive 2022, Cred Backend Developer Hiring 2022, Latest Off Campus Drives for 2022 Batch, Cred Careers – Looking for an opportunity to work at CRED as a Developer. If yes, your search ends here Cred has announced the off-campus drive to make the hiring process easy. Read the below article for all details –

Also Read: Microsoft Off Campus Drive 2022 | Microsoft Engage

Company –CRED
Description –Cred Backend Developer Hiring 2022
Employment Type –Full Time
Work Location –Bengaluru

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About CRED –

CRED Off Campus Drive 2022 Batch, Cred Backend Developer Recruitment Drive 2022, Cred Recruitment Drive 2022, Cred Backend Developer Hiring 2022, Latest Off Campus Drives for 2022 Batch, Cred Careers

CRED is an exclusive community for India’s most trustworthy and creditworthy individuals, where the members are rewarded for good financial behavior. CRED was born out of a need to bring back the focus on a long-lost virtue, one of trust, the idea is to create a community-centered around this virtue. a community that constantly strives to become more virtuous in this regard till they finally scale their behavior to create a utopia where being trustworthy is the norm and not the exception.

Also Read: Microsoft Data Scientist Recruitment 2022

To build a community like this requires a community of its own; a community special in its own way, working towards making this vision come true. Here’s a thought experiment: what do you get when you put a group of incredibly passionate and driven people and entrust them with the complete freedom to chase down their goals in a completely uninhibited manner? answer: you get something close to what we have at CRED; CRED just has it better.

CRED Off Campus Drive 2022 Details –

Role: Backend Developer

Location: Bengaluru

Eligibility Criteria –

  • Year of passing 2022/21
  • 0-6 months of experience in product development & software engineering. 
  • curiosity to learn and exploring ways to improve yourself and the quality of your outcomes.
  • ability to adapt to new situations and work through ambiguity.
  • passion and pride for coding.
  • zeal for building products with empathy for customers

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Roles & Responsibilities –

  • You will be working on solving real problems with sustainable guidance from experienced mentors,
  • You are expected to apply best practices in software development to design, develop, test and deploy features and components.
  • You are expected to own the outcomes of areas you are responsible for.

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How is life at Cred?

Working at CRED would instantly make you realize one thing: you are working with the best talent around you. not just in the role you occupy, but everywhere you go. talk to someone around you; most likely you will be talking to a singer, standup comic, artist, writer, athlete, maybe a magician. at CRED people always have talent up their sleeves. with the right company, even conversations can be rejuvenating. at CRED, we guarantee good company.

Hard truths: pushing oneself comes with the role. and we realize pushing oneself is hard work. which is why CRED is in the continuous process of building an environment that helps the team rejuvenate itself: included but not limited to a stacked, in-house pantry, with lunch and dinner provided for all the team members, paid sick leaves, and comprehensive health insurance.

To make things smoother and to make sure you spend time and energy only on the most important things, CRED strives to make every process transparent: there are no work timings because we do not believe in archaic methods of calculating productivity, your work should speak for you. there are no job designations because you will be expected to hold down roles that cannot be described in one word. since trust is a major virtue in the community we have built, we make it a point to highlight it in the community behind CRED: all our employees get their salaries before their joining date. a show of trust that speaks volumes because of the skin in the game.

There are many more such eccentricities that make CRED what it is but that’s for one to discover. if you feel at home reading this, get in touch.

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