Evolution in Farming Industry by Smart Agriculture


The Internet of Things (IoT) is almost common now, it’s everywhere around us. And agriculture is one of the areas where it’s very much needed and also can have the huge impact. Smart agriculture in the farming industry is an emerging concept that has the golden opportunity to revolutionize farming for the digital era. The driving force behind smart farming is IoT which connects the agriculture process from initial to end to be more data-driven, data-enabled and more efficient, along this also optimizing the human labor involvement.

Solving the challenges of modern agriculture problems will set farmers, agtech designers and others involved in this technology up for explosive growth in few year and beyond. We are very excited about the future of smart agriculture, and the advantages it will have on the entire farming industry.

Farmers can implement smart agriculture into their practices in multiple ways, including through the use of drones and robots, and through use of new ways of farming methods such as ocean farming, precision mapping systems. And as they do, Freaky-Diodes is ready to equip farmers with everything they need, including sensors, cellular technology, knowledge and many more.

Geographic Equity

One of our major issue is feeding the massive world’s population – that’s about 9 billion people and still counting that we need to feed with a fixed amount of productive land. In order to succeed, we reached to a point where we need to multiply our operations for efficiency.

Longer range technologies are mandatory for big farms like – cellular is the prominent choice, and the two communications options in agtech are long range technology and also lower version of cellular technology called CAT-M and Narrow Band IoT. Most IoT steps in a smart agriculture like moisture sensors don’t need to transmit voice and sound, they just send a bit of data here and there over long-range technology. These communications options are just coming to the mass-market forefront

The Digi-Key Position

We’re actively promoting the market and the innovators in this field. We’re working to support the creation of products and services that help grow the world. And we believe that innovators in the regions where this work is going to know the requirements best of their specific regions. We want the local innovators to specify their own requirements or needs and get everyone collaborating to support them in way of global innovation.

It’s really interesting about understanding the future farm, not only the traditional farm. If we can visualize on what the farms of next generation could look like, each community around the globe could have their own sustainable farm, no matter what their location is, climate, or other physical barriers.

A modern wave of Innovation

One of every ten farmers from North America are using soil sensors in as many as 5 million acres of land with amazing results. According to reports, Precision farming is expected to reach a 32% market share by 2025 due to the rising need for agriculture technologies. New innovations in both equipment and education will pump this growth to next level. Farming technologies that improve efficiency and crop production are just few examples of how technology is redefining what it means to grow and harvest crop in today’s interconnected world.

New approaches in farming technologies are required to address the ever-changing nature of our modern world. Innovators combined with their willing professionals across the industry will form a new path ahead to grow, harvest, and feed the people of this world. The future of farming begins when we farm innovatively and make new technologies accessible to all on the planet.


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